A Registered Public Charitable Trust

Refund Policy

Join Us. Change the World.

Dhaya Foundation accepts donations in all modes permitted under Indian Statutes and Donors deserves to receive a receipt from Dhaya Foundation.

All donations and/or payment made through the Site, the acceptance of the same is at the sole discretion of the Trustees. The management reserves its sole rights to accept or cancel any donation
and/or payment without assigning any reason thereof. All donations from outside India shall be routed only through banking channels.

Donations once made cannot be charged back, except in cases of fraudulent use that stand substantiated through necessary investigation by Government/Bank authorities. In case any donation
receipt is issued against the same, that shall stand cancelled, and any income tax benefit so derived shall be null and void.

Account details of the trust for donation :

CURRENT ACCOUNT NO: 510909010178689
IFSC: CIUB0000349

As always, we have been surrounded by blessed people like you, we hope to see your valuable contributions !

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